Thursday, October 6, 2016

Humans of New York

Humans of New York is a very important blog because it shows people that not only are they alone in certain situations but also that everyone has a story and that everyone's story is important. Hony helps people find their path. The story shows how when people set their minds to things, they can achieve what they want. The last sentence of they post caught my eye and made me want to read it. The most interesting part of the story is the plot twist. The man said he and his wife were gonna pack up and drive to Arizona. At first i thought they were going to go follow their dream and go start working for their dream place but then i realized that going to Arizona was their dream and they couldn't be happier. The story made me realize that everyone should be able to do what they love and even if its the smallest things, they should be able to be happy to complete their dream.
Image result for humans of new york best posts